FlickOS is now available

Posted on Sun 12 March 2023 in operating system

FlickOS is an operating system made for aging computers but also good for new computers. It is light, clean and elegant operating system based on Ubuntu and LXLE so it has a very stable foundation. I made sure that the operating system is lean and fast as much possible so you could use your system resources for running essential software.

The Task manager

Current Features

  • 300 MB system memory consumption
  • Clean interface
  • Essential softwares included
  • Security updates available until 2025
  • Boots in less than a minute
  • Thousands of available opensource software
  • Immune to windows viruses

Features on the works

  • Multiple desktop layout to choose from
  • User on-boarding
  • Full-screen modern app launcher
  • On-line help and documentation

Download it now at https://sourceforge.net/projects/flickos/ and help save another old computer going to the landfill. For question, suggestions or constructive criticism, you can e-mail me at dvbondoy@gmail.com. Have a nice day!