FlickOS v1.1 Release Note

Posted on Mon 01 May 2023 in operating system

Hey everyone! Good news, FlickOS version 1.1 is now available in our repository at sourceforge. I've already blogged about this release and you may read it from here.

Notable changes

  • compton compositor has been replaced by picom
  • true transparency and rounded corner
  • fade-in and fade-out effect
  • Catppuccin theme
  • Bug fixes

What's Next

Version 1.1 will be the last release based on Ubuntu 20.04. The next release will be based on Lubuntu 22.04 LTS version supported until 2027. I am thinking of making it lighter in terms of file size by removing offline applications and replace them with web applications ala "chromebook". It's Linux so the users will still have the options to install any offline applications using terminal or app manager. Thanks for trying FlickOS and enjoy!